Homestyle Conch Fritters

 I've eaten lots of conch fritters since my days cooking at Florida Festival, just have never made any until these last few weeks. Easy prep work, just a few minutes with the knife.

The main ingredients

All diced and minced up

Toss everything in the mixer, season, add an egg, milk, and flour

Chill for a couple of hours, then scoop and fry to a golden brown 

I cheat a bit with the internal thermometer, 185F and they are ready

Pull them and let cool

All ready to serve


  1. Been a while since I had one. I just saw a show on some of the islands in the Caribbean and on Anegada they have a small island of conch shells that dates back hundreds of years

    1. Tey have shell mounds here in south Florida, though I'm not sure what shells the mounds are made of.


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