Pedal Power


My new trusty cruiser bike, just add your own horsepower. Nothing like my twenty-something speed mountain bike I had in Nevada, but everything is flat around this part of the country.  10 mph is about what it will comfortably do, more in a pinch.

With the help of my iPhone, it can give me just about any information I'd like about my travels, even linear heat maps. The travel shown in green is going with the wind, a stiff breeze from the south, which caused more slowing heading back into the teeth of the wind (yellow). The touch of orange is me wiggling through the gate arms at the side entrance to the community, which allows just enough room to squeeze through on a bike.


  1. And you're ready for the beach as well!

    1. All I need is a carrier for the back of the Explorer, though I'd think I'll be tooling around here, mostly.

  2. Ours fit in the back of the Kia - we did take the front tires off, but we don't even do that anymore


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