Slowly decorating

 While there was some decorations left over from the previous owner, many were not truly coastal or nautical lifestyle decorations.  Moyia and I have used Facebook Marketplace to buy and sell/give away a few of the items and furniture, and a few of the better consignment stores have been able to provide many decorations and furniture as well.  On the last trip from Tennessee, we brought some decorations from that home as well.  Still lots of empty walls, but we are getting there slowly.



Canvas photo from our crossing back up to the Panhandle.

Canvas photo of our departure from Green Turtle Bay back on 10/10/16.

Amazon lamp

Christmas present from Alex

Consignment store

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace

Consignment store lower/Cape Romano above


Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace

Consignment Store

Rehabbed wall art, needs some more color

Facebook Marketplace

Shells from Cape Sable in the Everglades National Park

Shells from Cape Sable in the Everglades National Park


  1. We were at an art show a couple of years ago and Patti wanted to get you some kind of pool area art (can't even remember what it was), and I told her that you guys were going to sell your house in Tennessee and have no place to put it...

    How's the quality/clarity on the canvas pictures? Did you take the pictures with your phone?

    1. Quality on the canvas prints are good and most shot with my old iPhone 5(6?). Have to make sure the original is full size, and the focus is good. Crazy enough, it's the 20 megapixel Sony DSLR that has the most issues trying to get a good print, especially when shot with the telephoto lens.


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