Random Wildlife at 4020 Key Largo Lane


A Little Blue Heron works the far shore looking for pretty much anything smaller than he is, though in this case, it seems to be mostly minnows.  His best foraging is trailing a group of White Ibis along the shore, which stirs up the sand and mud, allowing him to pick off a variety of small fare. He's solo today and having to work a bit harder.

We've seen plenty of Marsh Rabbits, aka "bunnies", around the house and in the community.  They come and go and are active in the late evenings and early mornings.  We found a fur-lined nest next to our home in a copse of small palms. This little guy was one of three, nestled with their mom when we walked out the front door one evening.  His mom and siblings have scattered, but he's using the "sit still and they can't see me" method.

Last, and rare for this area, a large male orange tabby opens his eyes, trying to figure out what I'm doing while he is lounging poolside.  He's actually probably thinking how he can scam me out of some more cat food....


  1. We found a little bunny at our last house that was so small we brought it inside. After we thought about it for a bit, we realized that his mom was probably nearby and let him go. Tabby's are your friend for a price...


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