Low Key Excitement Among our 65+ year old Neighbors

 For the last seven months, on Wednesday afternoons at 4pm, a small group of our local HOA (Admiral's Point) has gotten together outside in the cul-de-sac we live on in order to socialize.  The usual banter is about their golf games (men mostly),  grandkids, their dogs, happenings in the community, and their kids---probably in that order for the most part :)   They have stayed "hunkered down" for almost a year now, but yesterday's social included some news the got most of them excited, that a few of the group had gotten their vaccinations against COVID.  These individuals dispensed how the process went, and how they called repeatedly on the phone at the designated time until they got through--this helped as many just called randomly throughout the day. I'm guessing most everyone in the group will be vaccinated before the end of January, though not the First Mate and I as we fall into the non-essential and not over 65 years of age categories.


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